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Florida: Adult Non-Conviction Arrests (FL-NC-4)

Florida: Adult Non-Conviction Arrests (FL-NC-4)

Records of arrest or charges for offenses committed or reported when the person was a victim of human trafficking can be expunged by the court. Fla. Stat. § 943.0583.
Record Detail(s)
Human trafficking offenses
Previous Conviction Disqualifying
Mandatory / Discretionary
At court's discretion
Clearance Process
Ineligible Category or Citation
Any offense listed in § 775.084(1)(b)1.
Procedure General
The petition must be filed in any court in the circuit in which the petitioner was arrested. For specific procedure, see Fla. Stat. § 943.0583. Each petition must include the elements listed in Fla. Stat. § 943.0583(6).
The clerk of the court may not charge a filing fee, service charge, or copy fee or any other charge for a petition filed under this section.
The petitioner may lawfully deny or fail to acknowledge the arrests covered by the expunged record, except when petitioner is an applicant for employment with a criminal justice agency or a defendant in a criminal prosecution. Fla. Stat. § 943.0583(8)
Waiting Periods
There is no waiting period. The petition must be initiated by the petitioner with due diligence after the victim has ceased to be a victim of human trafficking or has sought services for victims of human trafficking, subject to reasonable concerns for the safety of the victim, family members of the victim, or other victims of human trafficking that may be jeopardized by the bringing of such petition. Fla. Stat. § 943.0583(4)