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Michigan: Adult Convictions (MI-C-8)

Michigan: Adult Convictions (MI-C-8)

Records relating to a felony conviction may be set aside after ten years and the conviction or convictions are otherwise eligible to be set aside under MCLS § 780.621. MCLS § 780.621g(2).
Record Detail(s)
Previous Conviction Disqualifying
No statutory language
Mandatory / Discretionary
Clearance Process
Set Aside
Ineligible Category or Citation
See exclusions in MCLS § 780.621g(7),(10).
Procedure General
The procedure is automatic. MCLS § 780.621g(2).
There is no statutory language regarding fees.
Each court shall notify the arresting law enforcement agency of each conviction on or before the tenth day of each month that is set aside for the preceding month. Each law enforcement agency need not retain and shall make nonpublic the notification that the conviction has been set aside, and the record of the arrest, fingerprinting, conviction, and sentence of the person in the case to which the notification applies. MCLS § 780.621g(1).
Waiting Periods
The waiting period is 10 years since the imposition of the sentence for the conviction, or completion of any term of imprisonment with the department of corrections for the conviction, whichever occurs later. MCLS § 780.621g(2).