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Michigan: Adult Non-Conviction Arrests (MI-NC-3)

Michigan: Adult Non-Conviction Arrests (MI-NC-3)

Arrest records, all biometric data, and fingerprints are expunged, or destroyed, or both, when charges are dismissed before trial, unless the judge or prosecutor objects within 60 days. Mich. Comp. Laws § 28.243(8).
Record Detail(s)
Charges resolved in favor of defendant
Previous Conviction Disqualifying
Mandatory / Discretionary
Mandatory unless opposed by the state
No statutory language
Clearance Process
Ineligible Category or Citation
There is no statutory language regarding ineligible offenses.
Procedure General
The procedure is automatic unless the judge or prosecutor objects within 60 days. Mich. Comp. Laws § 28.243(8).
There is no statutory language on fees.
The arrest record is removed from the internet criminal history access tool (ICHAT); the arrest record, all biometric data, and fingerprints are expunged or destroyed, or both; any entry concerning the charge is removed from LEIN. Mich. Comp. Laws § 28.243(8).
Waiting Periods
There is no waiting period.