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Mississippi: Adult Convictions (MS-C-6)

Mississippi: Adult Convictions (MS-C-6)

Records relating to misdemeanor convictions can be expunged by the municipal court two years after the last conviction upon a showing of rehabilitation and good conduct. Miss. Code Ann. § 21-23-7(6).
Record Detail(s)
Previous Conviction Disqualifying
Mandatory / Discretionary
Clearance Process
Ineligible Category or Citation
This section applies to any and all misdemeanor convictions in a municipal court.
Procedure General
Upon prior notice to the municipal prosecuting attorney, the court can order the expungement at its discretion. For the specific procedure, see Miss. Code Ann. § 21-23-7(6).
There is no statutory language regarding a fee.
The person may lawfully deny any prior convictions. The order of expungement does not apply to the confidential records of law enforcement agencies and has no effect on the driving record of a person. Miss. Code Ann. § 21-23-7(6).
Waiting Periods
The record can be expunged two years after the last conviction.