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Missouri: Adult Convictions (MO-C-6)

Missouri: Adult Convictions (MO-C-6)

Records relating to a felony conviction for criminal nonsupport that was followed by a probation sentence, can be expunged by the court if the person has paid all arrearages, has no child support actions pending, and has successfully completed probation. Mo. Rev. Stat. §568.040(3).
Record Detail(s)
Previous Conviction Disqualifying
Yes, any felony
Mandatory / Discretionary
Clearance Process
Ineligible Category or Citation
This provision applies only to criminal nonsupport under section 568.040.
Procedure General
The petition must be filed in the court of conviction. A person cannot have more than one such offense expunged. For specific procedure, see Mo. Rev. Stat. §568.040.
There is no statutory language regarding a fee.
The records become confidential and only available to the parties or by order of the court for good cause shown. The person is restored to pre-arrest status and need not disclose information related to the case or expungement. Mo. Rev. Stat. §568.040(3).
Waiting Periods
The petition may be filed upon successful completion of probation.