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Missouri: Adult Non-Conviction Arrests (MO-NC-1)

Missouri: Adult Non-Conviction Arrests (MO-NC-1)

Records of a case resulting in nolle prosequi, dismissal, acquittal, or suspension of sentence are confidential, with certain exceptions. Mo. Rev. Stat. § 610.105.
Record Detail(s)
Charges resolved in favor of defendant
Previous Conviction Disqualifying
No statutory language
Mandatory / Discretionary
Clearance Process
Ineligible Category or Citation
No offenses are ineligible, but access to the record can vary based on the offense and disposition. R.S.Mo. § 610.105.
Procedure General
The process is automatic, and records become closed records, with certain exceptions. For the specific procedure, see Mo. Rev. Stat. §§ 610.105 et seq.
There is no statutory language regarding fees.
Records are closed to the public but accessible under the circumstances specified in sections 610.105 and 610.120. Closed records need not be disclosed for any purpose, with exceptions. Mo. Rev. Stat. § 610.110. Knowing violations of sections 610.100, 610.105, 610.106, or 610.120 are class A misdemeanors. Mo. Rev. Stat. § 610.115.
Waiting Periods
The record can become confidential upon nolle prosequi, dismissal, acquittal, or suspension of sentence.