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New Mexico: Juvenile Court Records and Law Enforcement Records (NM-AR-2)

New Mexico: Juvenile Court Records and Law Enforcement Records (NM-AR-2)

Records relating to a matter where the court determined the child not delinquent will be sealed by the court upon motion by the children's court attorney (prosecutor) at the conclusion of the proceedings. N.M. Stat. Ann. § 32A-2-26(J).
Record Detail(s)
Found not delinquent
Previous Conviction Disqualifying
No statutory language
Mandatory / Discretionary
Clearance Process
Ineligible Category or Citation
There is no statutory language regarding ineligible offenses.
Procedure General
The procedure is automatic. The court will seal the records upon motion by the children's court attorney (prosecutor) at the conclusion of the proceedings. N.M. Stat. Ann. § 32A-2-26(J).
There is no statutory language regarding fees.
Upon the entry of the sealing order, the proceedings in the case will be treated as if they never occurred and all index references will be deleted. The court, law enforcement officers, departments, and agencies will reply, and the person can reply, to an inquiry that no record exists with respect to the person. N.M. Stat. Ann. § 32A-2-26(C).
Waiting Periods
Expungement is available immediately. The motion must be made by the children's court attorney (prosecutor) at the conclusion of the proceedings.