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New York: Juvenile Court Records (NY-NC-5)

New York: Juvenile Court Records (NY-NC-5)

Traffic infractions committed by a juvenile 16 years of age or, commencing on October 1, 2019, 17 years of age, shall be sealed automatically at the expiration of a successful period of an adjustment, adjournment in contemplation of dismissal or conditional discharge. N.Y. Fam. Ct. Act § 375.2(7).
Record Detail(s)
Misdemeanor (adjudicated)
Previous Conviction Disqualifying
Potentially, see statute
Mandatory / Discretionary
No statutory language
Clearance Process
Ineligible Category or Citation
There is no statutory language regarding ineligible offenses.
Procedure General
The procedure is automatic. N.Y. Fam. Ct. Act § 375.2.
There is no statutory language regarding fees.
The court shall enter an order sealing the appropriate records. N.Y. Fam. Ct. Act § 375.2(7)
Waiting Periods
There is no waiting period.