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Utah: Adult Convictions (UT-C-3)

Utah: Adult Convictions (UT-C-3)

Records relating to a Class A misdemeanor or felony drug possession offense can be expunged by the court five years after sentence completion. Utah Code Ann. § 77-40-105(3)(c)(iii).
Record Detail(s)
Drug offenses
Previous Conviction Disqualifying
Potentially, see statute
Mandatory / Discretionary
Yes, if objection filed
Clearance Process
Ineligible Category or Citation
See subsection (2) for ineligible offenses. Utah Code Ann. § 77-40-105(2).
Procedure General
An application must be made to the Utah Bureau of Criminal Identification (BCI) for a certificate of eligibility for expungement. If approved, the certificate and a petition must be filed in the court where the proceedings occurred. For the specific procedure, see Utah Code Ann. §§ 77-40-103 et seq.
The fee for filing a petition for expungement is $135. Utah Code Ann. § 78A-2-301(1)(i). The BCI charges application and issuance fees in accordance with section 63J-1-504. Utah Code Ann. § 77-40-106(3)(a); see also BCI form.
The person can respond to any inquiry as though the arrest or conviction did not occur. Utah Code Ann. § 77-40-108.
For an application to expunge a record in Utah, visit here.
Waiting Periods
The petition can be filed five years after conviction or release from incarceration, parole, or probation, whichever occurred last.