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Washington: Adult Non-Conviction Arrests (WA-NC-3)

Washington: Adult Non-Conviction Arrests (WA-NC-3)

Information relating to an arrest and charge will be deleted by the criminal justice agency three years after the arrest if no conviction has been obtained and the case is not under active prosecution, so long as the defendant is not a fugitive, has no prior felony or gross misdemeanor convictions, and no subsequent charges. Wash. Rev. Code § 10.97.060.
Record Detail(s)
No conviction obtained
Charges not filed
Previous Conviction Disqualifying
Potentially, see statute
Mandatory / Discretionary
Clearance Process
Ineligible Category or Citation
There is no statutory language regarding ineligible offenses.
Procedure General
A request must be submitted to the criminal justice agency maintaining the data. If the petitioner meets the specified criteria, the non-conviction data will be deleted upon request. For the specific procedure, see Wash. Rev. Code § 10.97.060.
There is no statutory language regarding fees.
Criminal history data is deleted from criminal justice agency files which are available and generally searched for the purpose of responding to inquiries. Wash. Rev. Code § 10.97.060.
For information regarding record modification in Washington, visit here.
Waiting Periods
The request can be filed three years after the arrest, citation, or warrant if no conviction is obtained.